One Day, India Will Beat China in E-Commerce

One Day, India Will Beat China in E-Commerce

One Day, India Will Beat China in E-Commerce

According to Porter Erisman, author of Six Billion Shoppers if India overcomes some of its market inefficiencies, it undoubtedly going to beat China’s e-commerce one day.
Erisman elaborates the point by saying that it seems that India one day will be the next China for e-commerce, but things will not be same. It is because in Indian there are many frictions hence e-commerce will take more time in India to take roots.
Moreover, these inefficiencies will prove to be great opportunities for Indian entrepreneurs, he says. If they get resolved then it will not be wrong to say that e-commerce will play better in India than in China.
It will help unleash the buying power of those at the bottom of the pyramid, thereby; it is certainly good news for the Indian economy.
And that spells potential – the kind of potential which many administrators and marketers regularly administer or write off in sum, as these markets are either too trivial in terms of revenue potential or too expensive in terms of the working incidentals needed to tap into them.

One Day, India Will Beat China in E-Commerce

According to Porter Erisman, author of Six Billion Shoppers  if India overcomes some of its market inefficiencies, it undoubtedly going to beat China’s e-commerce one day.
Erisman elaborates the point by saying that it seems that India one day will be the next china for e-commerce, but things will not be same. It is because in Indian there are many frictions hence e-commerce will take more time in India to take roots.
Moreover, these inefficiencies will prove to be great opportunities for Indian entrepreneurs, he says. If they get resolved then it will not be wrong to say that e-commerce will play better in India than in China.
It will help unleash the buying power of those at the bottom of the pyramid, thereby; it is certainly good news for the Indian economy.
And that spells potential – the kind of potential which many administrators and marketers regularly administer or write off in sum, as these markets are either too trivial in terms of revenue potential or too expensive in terms of the working incidentals needed to tap into them.
Additionally, he notes that it is likely that there will a war between Indian companies and Chines firms for the fortune. Eventually, there will be tension and even limitations on Chinese goods coming into the country.
It’s not that India will beat China in e-commerce today. In fact, it will take a long long time for that. It is because; as India has been very slow in moving forward with infrastructure improvements, and in lifting the masses of poor out of poverty.

Additionally, he notes that it is likely that there will a war between Indian companies and Chines firms for the fortune. Eventually, there will be tension and even limitations on Chinese goods coming into the country.
It’s not that India will beat China in e-commerce today. In fact, it will take a long long time for that. It is because; as India has been very slow in moving forward with infrastructure improvements, and in lifting the masses of poor out of poverty.