7 ways shopping will get better by 2020

7 ways shopping will get better by 2020

7 ways shopping will get better by 2020

You will get numerous examples of retailers ‘improving the customer experience’ when you cross some National Retail Federation’s annual expo or a convention. This line seems attractive but the question that arises is that is it relevant to us as customers or not? Sarah Neale Rand from National Retail Federation is reporting from the Innovation Lab at NRF 2018: Retail’s Big Show, where an exhibition-‘Retail 2020’ is taking place.  In this show, the hottest topics- the emerging tech, is on display, which is undoubted, going to shape our future.
For Sarah, retail has changed a lot. It’s her 13th trip to this show and the way it looked back in 2006 is pretty different from how it looks now. Things have not remained the same for her as well, as she is working full-time for NRF and she is a mother of two kids. In addition, for her, the element of convenience and efficiency make a great shopping experience. When she was granted the tour of Innovation Lab by NRF’s Vice President of Technology Jason Hoolsema and Tusk Ventures’ Managing Director Seth Webb , what she basically wanted to see was how the shopping would be made easier and rapid by the upcoming technologies.

The grocery store shopping experience

Both the kids of Sarah are under six and it is difficult two control kids of such an age, hence even if she is able to visit the grocery twice in the entire trip, she would feel lucky. She goes on explaining that she is not to worry about wandering and searching for the things she needs to buy, indeed the Five Element’s DASH Robot Shopping Cart maps assist her to stop at the items of her list. In addition, she does not need to waste time by standing in long lines to pay the bills rather she can now pay at the cart. Most interestingly, it follows her to her car as well and then goes back to the store all its own.

Comparing features and exploring products

Sarah is very careful when it comes to buying technology for her home. She could spend days in watching demos, searching products in stores, or reading reviews. According to her, the research would be made easier by Space and June 20. Moreover, any surface can be converted into a 3D surface by using Spaces simulated reality which uses the principle of light projection.
On the other hand, June 20 puts physical and digital displays together with an informative sliding tablet. This is very beneficial for the customers because such amalgamation lets the customers to call up the right information about every single product as well as compare their features. She further reveals that she has been spending a handsome amount of time in buying smart locks which would undoubtedly have limited her shopping research to 20 minutes. Reducing shrinkage, reduced inventory display costs and a content-rich online experience in the store are few of the advantages for retailers.

Take the trip out of the equation

The Starship Technologies’ robots have made the local deliveries very easier. You do not have to run to store to buy milk or for a lunch. You can save your time by sitting in your office and order even the last minute groceries for family dinners. Additionally, you can track the path of the robot as well. A win for retailers is that packages can be delivered for a part of the price a more traditional delivery service would entail.

The right fit — the first time

Sarah ordered five pairs of shoes each of different sizes and styles so that at least one pair could fit. She then returned the rest four pairs of shoes which were less likely to suit her or fit her. She says that Volumental has a rapid 3D foot scanning system. Also it has an advanced AI ‘Fit Engine’ which would help the customers buy shoes of their foot shape, size or priorities. Now we do not need to waste our times in trying all the shoes in the store, your foot will be scanned and desired shoes will be recommended.

Completing the outfit

People usually face the problem of not finding a perfect match for their dresses so does Sarah. She had a blue and brown skirt in her wardrobe since one year. The issue was that she did not have a suitable top for it. FINDME and Slyce’s booth have solved her issue. FINDME and Slyce go hand in hand for a ‘Complete the Look’ tool which took the image of the skirt and gave it a complete outfit. Lastly, conversations and engagements have been increased after FINDME and Slyce.
Similarly, she once made a mistake in buying furniture with a toddler. Now she can not make the mistake again because now there is the service of EverThread. The technology of EverThread takes photo shoots out of the process and shows to its customers the best variety of products they need in every possible color.

My mall assistant

Though Sarah deliberately visits malls; she knows what she needs, but still she needs the assistance of any type. Satisfi Lab, for instance, can provide you help. Its chatbot might help me find deals, answer questions about stores carrying certain products and help me navigate right to a cookie shop at the end. Thus, customers are having a peculiar experience.

The supply chain that delivers

Sarah admires her mother or any other woman who live in history. It is because they were not given that opportunity to order diapers for their children, often at 3 a.m. Even if they could, they were not aware of the product that when will it arrive. The Locus Robotics’ warehouse robots have made it easy for her. They work alongside people to more than double human productivity.