7 Ways to Start a Business Without Quitting Your Day Job

7 Ways to Start a Business Without Quitting Your Day Job

7 Ways to Start a Business Without Quitting Your Day Job

There are a number of ways to start your own business and convert your skills into your income.
It is quite appealing to run an online business, but it comes with its own challenges. In fact,  all types of businesses require hard work. However, unlimited people have made their ways to entrepreneurship successfully.
A number of easy ways are put together to start a new business without leaving your day job.

7 online store ideas

  1. Begin with your own clothing line.
  2. Establish a store for drop shipping services.
  3. You can sell your art online.
  4. Work as a freelance writer, designer, or developer.
  5. Become an online course teacher.
  6.  Move your thrift store  finds

7         -Write and publish your own book.

1-Begin with your own clothing line

One can open up a clothing line using apps such as oberlo, printify and merchif, if you already have a shopping store.these will connect your store to clothing manufacturers and attire printers.

Why is it necessary to create a clothing line?

-Making products that people will use every day is more beneficial and satisfying than anything else.
-When you build your own shopping store, you will be able to sell your products immediately. It is due to the apps like printify and printful that the designing and delivery of your clothing has been easy.
-Clothing line will help you to convert your creativity into real and beneficial products.
2-Establish a store for drop-shipping services.
Within your budget,  dropshipping is a great way to create your own business. This process helps you avoid lots of challenges associated with starting your own business. Moreover, you would never get to find things that there is no market value of your product after investing lots of money on it.
Benefits of Dropshipping
-Whenever you purchase something, you place an order with a third party and it controls everything for you and you do not really need to deal with things such as tracking inventory and mailing pakages.
-There is no need of a warehouse, so you can run your business from anywhere you want. For example.from your living room or a café down the streets.
3-You can sell your art online
Another way to start your business is to sell your art. Use your art skills such as painting, photography, and music,  etc.  to generate income.
If you are a painter or photographer, you can sell your prints, canvases, and framed posters using printify or printful. Moreover, if you are a musician, you can sell your beats and songs.
Drum broker is the largest online drum sample business in the world and they created this by using apps such as FetchApp and ShipStation.
Why to sell your art?
-By selling your art you can get in to your customers homes and headphones.
-Create a platform to present your work.
-Through this you can transform your passion into your income and make it a way of living.
4-Work as a freelance writer, designer or developer
You can start a business by working as a freelance writer or graphic designer. This would make you able to help people in their projects across the world and generate income for yourself as well.
Upwork and Fiverr can help you find people who need your help.
Fiverr is a little different from a traditional job board. The posted jobs cost five dollars.
Why to choose Freelancing?
-In freelancing, you choose the projects you want to work on according to your schedule.
-It feels awesome to get paid for your works.
-If you are new to writing, designing, or developing then freelancing contains awesome opportunities for you to gain experience in these fields.
5-You can be an online course teacher.
Through your own website, you can teach an online course that you are good at.  It would require your efforts to generate a good high quality video series and then you will generate money as people start getting enrolled into the course.
To start teaching an online course, first you need to brainstorm the topic you are good at.
Then you would need apps such as screenflow to record your video.
Why to choose teaching an online course?
-You can set an online course and then forget it and can have the benefits for weeks.
-In teaching an online course, you already have the knowledge and all you need to do is to share your knowledge. You just need to focus on teaching the course.
-You get money in teaching something to others as well as you make others able to do something.
6-Move your thrift store finds
Another great way to earn money is to sell your second hand items online.

Why sell your thrift store finds?

-Put your shopping collection to work and make money out of it.
-There are huge margins. One thing that you bought pretty cheaper can go very expensive next time.
-You can sell something different. Nowhere on the web can people find the vintage collection that you have.
7-Write and publish your own book.
You might have dreamed of writing and publishing your own book. Well, it is not that difficult. You can publish any type of a book. It can be a science fiction, children’s book or a marketing guide. You can write e-books and sell them online.
-If you want to sell a physical copy of your book then all you need to do is place an order with Blurp or createspace whenever your work is purchased.  They will hand over to you the entire storage and fulfillment process once they custom print it.

Why publish a book?

-Createspace and Blurb will take care of services such as printing, delivery and storage.
-Through self- publishing, you can get your books to reach the targeted readers.
-You can easily generate money through creative writing since it is something you truly enjoy.
Beginning your online Business
Once you choose an online business idea then you start working on it and bring it to life. Here are some tips to start an online business step by step.
1-Find out the validity of your idea with market research.
2-Establish your product or service
3-Make out your business finance
4-Find vendors and suppliers
5-Make your own website

1-Find out the validity of your idea with market research
Before starting your business, you must need to find out the market value of your business idea.  If you have the budget you can hire an agency to do the market research for you. But if you do not have enough budget, you can use the DIY approach.
Develop your product or service
Once you are done with the market research and find the validity of your idea then start developing your product.
If you are interested in the dropshipping business, then you have to choose the products you are passionate about. The product is already prepared for you in this case.
3-Make out your business finance
When you have registered your business with your local government,  than you need to know your tax identification number and other necessary information to open up your bank account. As your business grows you need to have the bank account to manage money and to meet the future needs.
Find vendors and suppliers.
If you are selling a particular product online, then you need to have lots of relationships such as with the manufacturers, dropshippersor logistics coordinator. When deciding to choose partnerships, it is best to shop around and compare your opinions to know that you are going the best way.
Make your own website
For establishing an online business, it is necessary to have your own website for payments and advertising.