About us page

About us page
About us page mistakes

The about us page matters more than a lot of e-commerce entrepreneurs think. The about us page is the gateway to your e-commerce business. In order for customers to know who you actually are and what you do you should always create a good looking about Us page. Studies have shown that more than 52% of web users want to see an about us page on a company website they want to do business with. It should be one of the first pages that users see when they land on your store. The about us page creates a sense of familiarity. The web design of a website matter therefore there is always the need to include the page that gives customers information about the company. A good web design can be the thin line between the success of the e-commerce business and its failure. The page has to blow users away by giving them a sort but detailed look into the business.

Make the about Us page easy to find

The about us page has to be not only available but easy to find. Your customers should be able to find the “about us” page quickly. So you should make sure that you already have one created when you launch your e-commerce site. Many customers have a tendency to leave a website if they can’t find valuable information about the company. Such valuable information must include contact details and business address.

Do not boast on your about us page

Another common era among novice e-commerce business owners is the fact that they just can’t stop boasting on their about us page. The boasting usually involves “we are the best” statements. Your website will end up looking like the get rich fast money site. Many customers will instantly leave your website.