Credit card merchant

Choosing a credit card merchant or gateway

This is one of the most important tasks that you will ever undertake in e-commerce. This is due to the fact that credit cards are in fact the most commonly used method of payment online. Selecting a credit card merchant shouldn’t be a difficult task. However if it is your first time there are a lot of merchants to choose from and it is hard to know which one will specifically suit your business. To make it easier you should make sure you select a credit card merchant that is supported by your shopping cart.

Credit card merchant fees.

When choosing a credit card merchant you need to be aware of the fees that will be implied. Their services are never free. This means you will have to be paying a fee either per given period or every time a customer checkouts using a credit card. The main reason a merchant charges fees is due to the fact that you are using their platform. This means that they have taken anti-fraud measures for your e-commerce business not to accept fraudulent credit cards. The fees vary but most credit card merchants charge fees based on the percentage of the transaction. This percentage can vary between 0.5% to 3 percent. The best advice we would give you is to choose a merchant with the lowest fees.

The functions of credit card merchants

Credit card merchants differ in a number of ways, but they all serve the same function. The first fact about credit card merchants is that they all serve to process credit card payments for e-commerce. Some merchants process more credit cards types than others. For instance most credit card merchants process Visa and Mastercard credit cards. Others also incorporate unionpay payments.