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Influencer Marketing: How to Increase Your Revenue Growth

Influencer Marketing: Let’s learn how to improve online business with social media!

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Influencer marketing tracks people who have influence over potential buyers. Social media is great for influencer marketing because users can promote products or services. Furthermore, clients can measure how much a brand is mentioned across platforms. We have an amazing speaker for our upcoming eCommerce Meetup. She will teach us how to increase revenue growth with influencer marketing on social media. This event will take place at 6:00 p.m., January 14, 2015 at our Midtown loft in New York. Here is a brief overview of what to expect:

Tamar Weinberg

Executive Director of Business Development, AddShoppers

AddShoppers drives influencer marketing for over 10,000 brands. Additionally, they combine on-site marketing automation with personalization and data management. This allows companies to view and interact with their influencers. AddShoppers also tracks social referral activity from company websites. They then organize the data and make it available on their dashboard.

AddShoppers allows clients to measure revenue. They do this by showing which influencers drove sales. AddShoppers also shows what social networks influencers used and what content they shared. Moreover, their revenue attribution allows companies to quantify customer actions. Finally, AddShoppers is the leading on-site social marketing platform for eCommerce. Entrepreneur listed them as one of the top 30 startps to watch in 2014.

Tamar Weinberg is the Executive Director of Business Development at AddShoppers. Before AddShoppers, she worked for Mashable, Gawker Media, Lifehacker, and Real Simple Magazine. Tamar also wrote The New Community Rules; Marketing on the Social Web. This award-winning book was published by the O’Reilly printing house and is now available for purchase on Amazon. Tamar graduated from Columbia University with a BA in Computer Science.

You don’t want to miss this amazing opportunity to learn! Also, free beer and networking!

Influencer Marketing

*This event is sponsored by the eCommerce forum.*