How Adobe-Magento acquisition can create a seamless customer journey

How Adobe-Magento acquisition can create a seamless customer journey

How Adobe-Magento acquisition can create a seamless customer journey

In Christmas was in jeopardy, Clarl W. Griswold need a Christmas tree which is a magical symbol of this occasion and without which Christmas is not complete. The question is how sis Clark defeated his adversity? Well as he said himself, “I simply solved the problem. We needed a coffin… er, a tree. There are no lots open on Christmas Eve. Lewis burned down my tree so I replaced it as best I could. Voila!”
A lot of people are asking the Adobe for its purchase of Magento for $1.68B the question. The people wanted a commerce platform that works for a large number of users and Adobe gave it to them by acquiring the best one out there Voila!

Adobe purchase of Magento has been opinion by the outsider as they called it a “wrong move”. Many people arrived at such early conclusions. However as you see in the movie National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation you see when Chevy Chase cut down the tree outside it was considered stupid and a failure by most of us but as we saw in the ended in victory.
Let’s look at the benefits of the Adobe-Magento acquisition and how this can be helpful to various brands and companies seeking to build a strong relation with their customers through digital platform and to use this as their competitive edge.
In today’s world the first intention of any company or brand selling their products to the customer is to create an engaging seller-customer relationship on a daily basis by using the power of digital technology. The communicating part has many phases including awareness, contemplation, purchase and retention.  The challenges include owning the best digital technologies to create and deliver a hassle-free monotonous experience for your customer that sets you apart from your competitors.
TO create a stable customer experience, you come up with the best solutions that consist of investing in the best digital technologies and address customer experience in the best way possible. In your mind everything looks perfect however, most of the times the best solution might not work. Why is that so? Because it takes multitude of people to hold all these things together and there can be miscommunications and things might get clumsy. This can crate in your customers mind a not-so-good perception of you.
Adobe, SAP, Salesforce possess the technologies to deliver an all-round customer experience. They offer businesses a complete solution to create an excellent customer experience in the market. Adobe along with Magento addressed all the core issues in the customer journey.
One of the biggest arguments the acquisition provides is the difference in their overall ecosystem of work, the technology used by both and the scope of their marketplace. However, Magento being a 10 plus years an old company has establishes name for its company around the world by providing services to companies all around the globe. Its clients are some of the biggest enterprise.
. To paint a very specific picture for you, when someone is on your website, do you know who they are and every interaction they’ve had with you? Do you know how to target them with the right message at the right time based on all of their interactions? Can you carry that through an individual customer’s relationship from inception through retention? These are all possible to do today, and some customers already do so to varying degrees. However, it’s difficult, really difficult and very expensive.
Now what does it mean for the customers? It means that both the companies Adobe and Magento are making sure to pure a consistent and seamless experience for their customers through constant hard work than you or anybody else can do today. In simple terms it means, they know their target market, their wants and need, they know the strategies to interact and engage their customers.  Can you do all of this? Some customers are already doing some of these in one way or another. Although it’s not an easy task, it’s highly costly and demand time and experience.
Your success depends upon your efficiency and how effectively you deliver the customers expectation. For example, take a proactive approach towards the customers need and address them instead of asking again and again, be quick in delivering to the customer what they want, know your customers want instead of asking over and over again. Adobe’s goals is to provide a platform for its customers which let them create experiences that are customer-centered and personalized according to the need of the customer across various channels.
Clark got the tree he wanted but faces several challenges on his way of finding the perfect tree and Christmas bliss but manages to find it through various funny events. Adobe also got an e-commerce platform it wanted. But it will face many challenged like Clark too. The way Adobe delivers the best customer experience will determine the future of the company.
Even with the same tree, the outcome may vary greatly. No one can predict how it turns but it does have chances of turning into a great story of the time.