NYC Housing Providers’ Responsibilities Under the Law

NYC Housing

NYC housing providers need to follow the NYC Human Rights Law (NYCHRL). The NYC Commission on Human Rights enforces the Law in order to protect people from discrimination and harassment. Additionally, the Commission can make housing providers pay expensive legal fees and fines for prejudicial treatment. This article will explore some housing provider responsibilities under the law. It will also discuss discrimination fines.

Do NYC Housing Providers Need to Accept Public Assistance?

Housing providers must accept public assistance as any other form of income. This includes wages as well as salaries. Public assistance includes:

  • – Section 8
  • – LINC
  • – FEPS
  • – SCRIE
  • – DRIE
  • – SSI
  • – SSD
  • – local, state and federal public assistance

Furthermore, a housing provider cannot deny a person with public assistance an apartment because of the delay involved in filling out paperwork and receiving payment.

Housing providers must accept public assistance for a security deposit and a broker’s fee. They cannot accept it and then demand that the deposit or fee be paid in cash. Most importantly, housing providers cannot demand more from tenants with public assistance than from tenants without it.

Housing Provider Liability 

NYC Housing

Housing providers are liable for violations of the Law by their employees even if they did not personally discriminate anyone. The Law also requires that housing providers make sure their employees are educated about their responsibilities under the Law.

What Happens If NYC Housing Providers Lose a Discrimination Case?

If a housing provider loses a discrimination case, the Commission can order them to do the following:

  • – cease and desist from engaging in the illegal behavior
  • – offer a lease with specific terms and conditions
  • – renew a lease
  • – complete repairs
  • – reduce or abate rent
  • – construct or provide reasonable accommodation for tenants and guests
  • – reimburse a tenant or guest for out-of-pocket expenses
  • – pay for emotional damages
  • – pay for any necessary remedies

The Commission may also have civil penalties of up to $125,000 for standard violations and up to $250,000 for violations that are the result of malicious conduct. Finally, the Commission can require housing providers to train managers as well as employees.