Choosing a domain name

Choosing a domain name

Domain name and SEO

Everyone knows the importance of domain names when it comes to Search Engine Optimization. It is important for your domain name to align with your e-commerce store’s SEO. Your domain name should also blend in well with your brand. This will make it much easier to for customers to find your e-commerce store online. Your chosen domain name matters in SEO marketing. Customers who search for your brand or targeted keyword rely on search engine ranking to find a product. With this in mind, therefore, you should strive to choose a domain name that will be easy to find on search engines. You should also remember that your domain name is not the only thing necessary for SEO.

There are three domain sections in your domain name

The first part which is usually www. Is the subdomain. A lot of search engine optimization specialists have debated how this part of the domain contributes to the success of SEO. This is due to the fact that almost all domain names use the same subdomain format www. However, there are other subdomain formats such as blog, or shop. A great practice by e-commerce store owners is to run blogs on different folders, not different domains such as .

Top Level Domain name

Top level domains are the domain names that end with .com. It is often recommended to have a generic TLD name. You can also use a country dial top-level domain name. This will make it easier for you to be found on search engine results. Top level domains are highly sought after and nowadays it is becoming even more difficult to find a .com domain name which is in English.